How to Recover Unsaved Files in Notepad+

How to Recover Unsaved Files in Notepad++

How to Recover Unsaved Files in Notepad++

Aggiornato il 20/11/2023 • Archiviato in: Ripara file di documenti • Soluzioni comprovate

Notepad++ is a replacement of notepad and is a free source code editor and allows users to edit files with diverse file extensions. However, you may lose your unsaved files in Notepad++ because freezing happens or the program crashes or corrupts. This article discusses effective methods to recover unsaved files in Notepad++. Recover unsaved Notepad++ files from backup folder or use professional data recovery software-Recoverit Data Recovery.

What is a Notepad++ file??

Notepad++ is a free text and source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License. Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size.

Notepad++ files are identical to Notepad files. Even though Notepad++ is a lot more capable text editor compared with the original Notepad, it doesn't depend on some proprietary file format to store files.


Notepad++ VS Notepad

Notepad is a classic windows built-in text-editor and don't really have many features. It is one tool that is used by every individual to write or edit text files. On the other hand, Notepad++ is a free source code editor which is a replacement of the notepad. It additionally supports more languages. Tabbed documents, spell checker, file comparisons, zooming and the find and replacement feature make it much more attractive than the old traditional notepad.

Features Notepad Notepad++
Creator Microsoft Don Ho
Programming Language MASM (originally) C++
Cost Bundled with Microsoft Windows Free
Open Source
Document Interface
Multiple Instances
Single Document
Window Splitting
MDI: Overlappable Windows
MDI: Tabbed Document Interface
MDI: Window Splitting
2 Windows
Basic Features
Spell Checking
Regex – based find and replace
Encoding Conversion
Newline Conversion
Multiple undo/redo
Rectangular block selection
Programming Features
Syntax Highlighting
Function List
Symbol Database
Auto Completion
Code folding
Text folding
Extra Features
Text shell integration
Graphical Shell Integration
Macro language
Large file support memory
2 GB
Search in files

Relevant Reading: How to recover unsaved Notepad files?

Recover unsaved Notepad ++ files from backups

If Notepad++ suddenly crashes or corrupts you may lose your unsaved files. However, if the periodic backup feature is turned on you may have chances to recover unsaved or corrupted files after the program crashes.

Backups can be found directly on PC by navigating to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup (usually).

If the Notepad++ backup folder is not there, follow these steps to recover unsaved Notepad++ files from backup:

Step 1. Find Notepad ++ backup location on PC.

    1. Open a new Notepad ++ file, click on "Settings" > "Preference".

notepad plus plus file

    1. Click "Backup" on the Preference window, and find the Notepad ++ backup location on your PC in the "Backup path".

notepad plus plus backup location

Step 2. Find Notepad ++ backups for lost/unsaved files.

    1. Copy the backup path of your Notepad and paste it into your Windows Explorer, press Enter to find the exact backup folder of your Notepad ++.

notepad plus plus backup folder

    1. You will be able to see all Notepad backups listed there, and now click "Date modified" to choose the most recent notepad file that you've lost, right-click on it and choose to open with Notepad.

notepad plus plus backup files

Step 3. Save and restore lost Notepad ++ files.

    1. Now you should be able to view the lost Notepad ++ files.
    2. Click "Save As" or "Rename" to save your lost or unsaved Notepad++files to a safe location.

save notepad plus plus files

Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad ++ files without Backup

When Notepad++ crashes/gets corrupt and delete your .txt files or you lose unsaved Notepad++ files, you can restore form backup. However, if backup files cannot be found on PC you can use professional data recovery software- Recoverit Data Recovery and recover unsaved files.

Recoverit is an easy to use powerful data recovery software that helps to retrieve lost and deleted files under different scenarios. It recovers all file types including documents, graphics, photos, videos, emails and other files. Recoverit provides different modes of data recovery. Simple scan can be performed to access inaccessible data. And to get more detailed results, "all-around recovery" can be performed as well.

Recoverit scan the device where you have saved Notepad++ program and recover deleted or unsaved files in three simple steps

Download and install Recoverit Data Recovery on your computer, follow the steps mentioned below to recover unsaved or deleted Notepad++ files.

Step 1: Select Location from where your Files were deleted

Select the location where your Word document files lost, and then click "Start" to begin scanning.

recoverit interface

Step 2: Scan Deleted Files

The recovery software will start all-around scan to search your deleted and unsaved Notepad++ files. It will take few minutes to finish scanning. However, if the files are of large size it will take few hours to scan.

operations during scanning

Step 3: Preview and Recover deleted Files

After the scan, you can preview all recovered files, select the target one and click "Recover" button to save.

preview recovered photos

Bottom Line

Be it due to computer crashes, program corrupts or crashes or freezing happens document gets lost or deleted. In this case files can be recovered from backup but if you still did not manage to find the documents you are looking for, then use the most powerful option, use of free data recovery tool. The best software we recommend is Recoverit Data Recovery. Recoverit Data Recovery can easily recover unsaved or lost files back in three simple steps i.e. select, scan, preview and save.

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